Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Personal Note

This was the year I tested out the waters of first-time blogging.  And I feel I've learned a lot.  But I'm taking some time off now to rethink how best to use this medium.  I especially thank those who in the last week or so expressed to me personally their appreciation from my most recent series on "Making Sense of Life."  I plan to return to blogging and blogging more frequently early in the new year.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

On Life: Part 5, Faith from First to Last

And finally, in making sense of life, it does come down to trusting God.  It is, as Paul says in Romans 1:17, “faith from first to last.”  Trust that whether or not it is clear to you things may well be working out exactly as they should.  And sometimes even when things seem tough, you might just stop and ask, “What if this were all alright?”  All the things that are troubling, confounding and perplexing you, what if these were all alright?  God loves you.  Let nothing stand between you and the God who is love, not your brightest days or your darkest nights, no doctrinal understanding (or rather misunderstanding) and no life experience, no tragedy, no setback.  Trust God.  Let everything be.  Let it all go, and let it all come back to you.
Rise above yourself, above the things you’re still stuck  in, whatever it is you feel you can’t be happy with, and find the real story of which your life story is a part.  Rise above the petty dramas you keep telling yourself, the little stories that make you miserable, and find the large story of which your life story is a part.  But make sure it’s large, that it’s big enough for all the true and loving stories of the world.  And then, knowing this, you’ll see what needs to be done that you can do that just may not happen unless you start doing it.

Jesus once said that he came so that we might have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).  One caution I would make: If the way you understand something restricts or diminishes life, it’s not a principle of Jesus – at least not as it’s currently understood.  The call of Jesus is always to life, to get over yourself, to get unstuck from the things that hold you back, and to begin to live a life animated by trust, animated by the kind of invincibility that comes from trusting God and the life that he is giving you.

But where will you learn this and with whom?